Your bride tribe. Your best friends. The people you want surrounded by you when you say, “I do”! Choosing your wedding party is usually the first and most important task after getting engaged. You need a solid team who will be able to celebrate, comfort, and help with some of the bridal stress.

wedding tribe bridal party

Don’t Select Flakey Friends

Trust us on this one. Once a flakey friend, always.  You know who we’re talking about, the friends who cancel last minute. The one who always has an excuse when it comes to making plans. The friend who has a busy job or family obligations that make their schedule unpredictable. Don’t select a friend who will not be able to attend your major events like the bridal shower and bachelorette. Of course, make sure they get an invitation to the wedding, but leave the responsibilities to more reliable friends!

Do Ask Your Sister-In-Law

Extending the invitation to a future sister-in-law is always a great way to form a bonding relationship. She will be a great point of reference for any questions when it comes to family. Your future sister-in-law will also know exactly how to entertain any family members and fill you in on names and back stories.


Events By Deb - Jamilia Davis Norwood Photography


Don’t Choose Your High School Best Friend

Unless you’re still super close! Often, high school best friends move or drift apart. While the bond is still there, choosing your childhood best friend if you’re not actively involved in one another’s lives isn’t the best plan. They may not have a big involvement in your relationship or been there for the steps to becoming an engaged couple.


Do Include Your Current Best Friend

Your current bestie knows your life. They hear your day-to-day triumphs and obstacles. They have your back and keep tabs on how things are going.  Your current best friend knows how you react to current situations and people in your life. She knows when to step in with the bubbly and pull you to the dance floor!

Events By Deb Blended Families

Watch Out with Family Members

Asking certain family members can spell disaster. Choosing an over-opinionated family member as a part of your wedding tribe can cause more chaos than help. Be careful of friends or family who may make the day more about them than you!


Whichever way you decide to assemble your wedding tribe, go with what feels right. You know your friends and family better than anyone. Make sure you have a group who supports you and knows how to deal with stress and share the excitement. Select a tribe who will be a part of all your events leading up to the wedding and be ready to share a long and joyous day with you. Look for those who you lean on and those who know how to make you laugh. Sharing this day with your most important people is what it is all about!